Strictly week 3 Toyah and Neil’s Samba 14 bar none repeatable of routine
33 seconds in and you will see
2 Shadow Botafogos
Forward right foot - Ball flat
Left foot to side and slightly back - inside edge of toe
Strictly week 3 Toyah and Neil’s Samba 14 bar none repeatable of routine
33 seconds in and you will see
2 Shadow Botafogos
Forward right foot - Ball flat
Left foot to side and slightly back - inside edge of toe
Slow Foxtrot
Chris and Dianne ( Chris’s Steps)
Well what can I say lovely routine
This routine starts 32 seconds in
💕 Feather step
Forward right foot Side left- heel toe
Viennese waltz
Wynne and Katiya ( Wynne’s steps)
Well to find 12 bars of Viennese in this routine was easy it may have been just two area repeatered but to dance 12 bars of Viennese so beautifully in a week is amazing.
💕Natural Turn
Step forward right foot - heel toe
Side left foot - toe
Toyah and Neil’s Routine ( Toyah’s steps)
50 seconds in and you find Toyah dancing flick ball changes, basic chasse and windmill ( 6 bars of music)
💕 Flick ball change -
Flick right foot forward from the ankle
Step back on left foot - Ball of foot only
Cha cha cha
Tom and Nadia ( Toms steps)
27 seconds in and you will find Tom dancing in shadow, walks lockstep to Cuban breaks
Let’s have a go.
💕Preparation Step - forward on right foot using the ball of the foot then lower so heel touches the floor ( this is known as Ball flat) timing 1
💕 Walks forward - left then right - Ball flat on both steps - timing 2,3